The Democrats:
First, they target the youngest voters.
Then the poor.
Then the low info people.
Then it’s anyone who is intellectually lazy or just doesn’t keep up with politics.
Then it’s people who think Maxine Waters makes good points, like illegal aliens who just see a loud old lady & don’t understand what she’s really saying.
This is who the Democrats target for votes.
Next they tell these people that there is an invisible “oppressor” holding them back & that the only reason they don’t have the life that they really want is because they have been oppressed. If only they could rise up and fight against this ______, then everything would be alright.
If you’re a black person, they tell you it’s whites.
If you’re Hispanic, they tell you it’s white racists.
If you’re a woman, they tell you it’s old white men.
If you’re a self-hating white man they tell you it’s your ancestor’s fault.
It’s always another group of people or ideas that is holding them back — NEVER THEMSELVES.
“Never self-reflect, never look inside of yourself, it isn’t fun to put in the hard work of improving yourself when we can fix your life FOR YOU!”-Democrats 2018
While these strategies are pretty transparent, and no one can fault them if they’ve found a winning formula, what they do next is insidious and evil.
They push the idea that they are going to make their voter’s lives better. They lie. While all politicians lie, the fact that anyone still believes the Dems after 8 years of promises by Obama and ZERO results(more debt, record crime in Chicago his hometown, banks bailed out while Flint had dirty water, etc) just proves that my above points about their voters not paying much attention to politics.
Once an election cycle comes and goes, their voters forget everything they were promised and their politicians go back to their million dollar homes. Nothing changes.
I went through this cycle over and over again as a Democrat. I was subject to the same groupthink that my fellow Hispanics are all told by the Democratic party:
- Don’t talk to ICE or anyone from the government
2. We will take back the land in the “reconquista” movement
3. There is no such thing as “illegal”
4. Vote only Democrat, no matter what
5. Illegal aliens deserve American healthcare and benefits
6. Do anything to win
I was told these things over and over again, either covertly through advertising aimed at making conservative values look “bad, old, outdated” but also overtly, often being told that “if we could only get our people in there, things will change.”
It wasn’t until Ron Paul ran for president that I started listening to politics, not just hearing the commentators. This led me into a whole new world of understanding, and as a Hispanic American who always just saw myself as an “American” — no hyphen — it became clear to me that the leftists were the people they scream the loudest about — the racists, homophobic, sexists are the Democrats. They have entire groups dedicated to “trolling” conservative pages in some sort of divide and conquer plan to push more people to their side. They call people “Racist!” or “Russian Bot!” when they have no argument and it’s very transparent. What is more racist than telling people that they are inferior? It’s insanity, brought to you by the Democratic party.
I got tired of it. Constantly being told that I’m under this oppressive boot of racists, that I will never amount to anything because some random group of people are “holding me down” got tiring. It takes a toll on a person’s psyche.
I now equate it to Stockholm Syndrome, where the Democrats act as an abusive kidnapper, yelling at their captives that the outside is full of monsters and that their prison is the only safe place for them — meanwhile it’s a sunny day right outside the door.
The Democrats have essentially locked up minds of millions of gullible people and convinced them that they are the only savior in order to push their agenda.
Old guard GOP Republicans like Romney, Ryan, McCain, and Flake are EXACTLY the same, but I’m working on an entire article about them. This is about anyone on either side who works to push impossible policies, lies to the lower rung of Americans to gain votes, uses the mockingbird media to push globalist policies that benefit other countries and their owners, not Americans.
It’s 2023. Nothing’s changed.